I have Delphi 2007 code that looks like this:
procedure WriteString(Stream: TFileStream; var SourceBuffer: PChar; s: string);
Stream.Write(SourceBuffer[0], StrLen(SourceBuffer));
I call it like this:
SourceBuffer : PChar;
MyFile: TFileStream;
SourceBuffer := StrAlloc(1024);
MyFile := TFileStream.Create('MyFile.txt',fmCreate);
WriteString(MyFile,SourceBuffer,'Some Text');
This worked in Delphi 2007, but it gives me a lot of junk characters in Delphi 2010. I know this is due to unicode compliance issues, but I am not sure how to address the issue.
Here is what I've tried so far:
Change the data type of SourceBuffer(and also the parameter expected by WideString) to PWideChar
Every one of the suggestions listed here
What am I doing wrong?