



I'm trying to change <Leader> in MacVim to be something less carpal-tunnel inducing. I have added this line

let mapleader=","

to my .gvimrc, but "\" is still the only key that works. Am I missing something?

+5  A: 

The line needs to go into your normal .vimrc (instead of .gvimrc). .gvimrc is not read until all plugins have been loaded, by which time all the mappings have already been created with the default map leader.

.gvimrc is intended only for GUI-specific options, everything else should be in .vimrc.

too much php
I don't know if MacVim reads `.gvimrc` but I'm pretty sure it reads `.vimrc` so this should work. It might be possible to add conditional lines to your `.vimrc` to control MacVim-specific behavior.
Chris Lutz
The .gvimrc is read after .vimrc. See :help gvimrc.
too much php
Ah. Nevermind then.
Chris Lutz

I use macvim and it does seem to use the .vimrc I also have leader mapped to that character.
