




When I'm writing my laboratory reports in LaTeX i recently had to make a signature feld on the form.

                   Trondheim 4.september 2009

______________________         ___________________________
  Ivar Nesje                      Team mate's name

The problem was that I could not find a easy way to do it so after a lot of searching on the net I come up whith this simple solution


 #1, \today 

\hfill \makebox[5cm][c] {\hrulefill} \hfill \makebox[5cm][c] {\hrulefill} \hfill
\hfill #2 \hfill #3 \hfill

This made me able to type;

\doubleSignature{Trondheim}{Ivar Nesje}{Team mate's name}

To acheve the wanted result. If any of you have anoter way of doing this, not using the letter document class. I'll be realy glad to hear your responce.

+2  A: 

I think I would work from \rule[<raise>]{<width>}{<thickness>}. Because the reference point is the lower left corner, you probably don't even need the optional raising argument. Something like:

\newcommand{\doublesignature}[3][Ivar Nesje]{%
    \centering #3 \today\\


I've re-ordered your arguments to make your name optional.

+1  A: 

Assuming there aren't additional formatting restrictions, I probably would have used a tabular environment instead of boxes, and I would have used \rule{length}{width} instead of \hrulefill:


    #1, \today

    \rule{5cm}{1pt} & \hspace{2cm} & \rule{5cm}{1pt} \\
    #2 & & #3