I'm woking on a card game for my Intro to OOP paper. The game itself meets the specifications but I am now playing around with it for my own gratification and learning.
I have a card class that contains and image, its rank and suite. On the GUI I use picture boxes to display the image stored in the respective cards (which are stored in a card array in the deck class) so,
cardPictureBox1.Image = card1.show();
cardPictureBox2.Image = card2.show();
cardPictureBox3.Image = card3.show();
Would it be possible to make the card class an inherit the PictureBox control so what is on-screen is "actually" an instance of the card calss (rather than a box that hold the image value of it) which would dramaticall reduce he amount of hoops one would have to leap through to attain the cards other relevant info.