



Hi There,

I have downloaded the ribbon control for WPF, I noticed that there are terms for me to follow if I need to use it.

However, I have checked some of the posts saying that the Preview cannot be used for production purposes, however, version 1 of ribbon control will be able to and will be released at Q3/Q4 of 2009, alright, we are now in this period, I have downloaed the preview, the control is exactly the same as what V1 is all about, so, can I use it?


This is probably the best place to ask this question to get a decent (and official) answer.

+3  A: 

Quote from the Ribbon Preview project site discussion:

fariazkarim wrote Jul 20 at 9:59 PM
Any idea when Ribbon Control for WPF will be released for production use? We like its many features, but not sure if this is the right time to jump in.

SamanthaMSFT wrote Jul 20 at 10:50 PM If you haven't started yet, I would wait for the CTP2 before you jump in. That release will not be licensed for production use, but it will be a lot closer to V1 than the current preview bits, so it won't be wasted effort if you start investing in development on the CTP2. We don't have a date set for release of V1 yet, but it should be ready at least by the time .NET 4.0 and VS 2010 are released, and hopefully before then. Thanks!

BTW, note this claim, other Ribbon control implementations are subject to the same license:

SamanthaMSFT wrote Jan 7 at 10:44 PM <...> Also, as far as I understand, I believe that all of the third party Ribbon controls (and developers who choose to use them) are subject to the Office Fluent UI License the same way that the official control is. I know that this is true for Ribbon controls developed by Microsoft for other platforms (MFC and Win7, for example), and I know that the third-party WPF control developers who license Ribbons (and I believe their customers) are also subject to the license.

Strangely the success stories were all in production, too many gray areas, sigh.