Hi, I am attempting to make an algorithm to solve question 255 at Project Euler
I came up with this solution:
roundedSq n | (roundedSq n) == roundedSq (n-1) = n : roundedSq (n+1)
| rem n 2 == 1 = n : floor ( ((2*10^((d-1) `div` 2)) + ceiling (n `div` (2*10^((d-1) `div` 2)) )) `div` 2 )
| otherwise = n : floor ( ((7*10^((d-2) `div` 2)) + ceiling (n `div` (7*10^((d-2) `div` 2)) )) `div` 2 )
d = length (map (digitToInt) (show (n)))
average a = (sum a) `div` (length a)
answer = average [map roundedSq [10E13..10E14]]
main = do
print answer
But every time I try to load, it comes with an error for the answer
calculating function.
What have I done wrong and will this even give me a correct solution or will it just get stick in a loop??