



Hi there,

Is there a way to disable to Application Menu, the circle thing on the left hand corner, so the user can't click on it?

I have absolutely no use on that, and cannot think of anything I can use that, I can't find any options to disable it.

Please help

Many thanks

+2  A: 

I believe that would go against the Microsoft license for using the ribbon interface.

Check it out here:

I don't have any use for it either, so I just put the "Exit" option in there.

EDIT: Here's the answer from the Office UI group at Microsoft - looks like the Application Menu is NOT optional:

Thank you for submitting your question. The design guidelines do stipulate that the Application Menu is required and it is a critical element of the Ribbon UI implementation. Different control sets may allow for the hiding or disabling of the UI element, but the expectation is that your finished application will still contain an Application Menu element (you may seek to implement it yourself as part of your window frame, or through other means).

I try just put Exit option, but it looks extremely ugly with that, sigh, I guess I need to do that, hope that Microsoft won't sue me for that. There are too many gray areas on that license issues.
+1  A: 

I did something like this, and managed to remove the Application Menu. Do check if this is the way you wanted it to be.

    <r:RibbonApplicationMenu Visibility="Collapsed" >
Interesting that Microsoft's ribbon control allows this, yet the guidelines say that the Application Menu is required. I just checked the Infragistics ribbon control and it also allows setting visibility to "Collapsed". I'm wondering if I'm interpreting the license correctly. Anyone???
Sigh, the licensing bit is extremely confusing....I mean, is it really I need to implement the full feature of the ribbon otherwise I cannot use it? I managed to disable it as well, but not sure if it is legal.
I don't think they have actually released version 1 of Ribbon control. Use of the beta version in production is not legal either. Plus they don't have any process of verification either- whether or not the implementation violates the license.
That's what confuses me - is the Application Menu required only in the IMPLEMENTATION of the control, or do you have to USE IT in all applications that use a ribbon?Some things are clear like: You HAVE to have a "Home" tab, and when the application starts, it HAS to be the selected tab (just like in Office 2007.) But some other things... Kind of a guess game.I'm using the Infragistics ribbon control which has been available for a while already - the free WPF ribbon wasn't even available in early beta back when we bought the Infragistics WPF controls (some excellent stuff in there.)
I just sent the OfficeUI licensing group an e-mail asking for some clarification on this. I'll post here when I get an answer.
See Microsoft's response as an edit in my answer above.