




I wanted to have a hashtable with a string as key and a functionpointer (delegate) as value. This way calling the correct routine given a string based command. However, the compiler won't eat it.

What am I doing wrong?

     public delegate void categoryHandler(String request);     

//init code
     Hashtable categories = new Hashtable();
     categories.Add("campaigns", Campaigns.post);

//function call
     String category = "campaigns";
     categoryHandler handler = (categoryHandler) categories[category];
     if (handler != null)

     static public void post(String request)

The error I get is on the line where I put the function in the hashtable: Error 2 Argument '2': cannot convert from 'method group' to 'object'

I'm hoping it is just some semantic thingy I forgot... But if this can't be done... is there another way to have some kind of String based jumptable?


Depending on the version of C# that you're using, you may need to do:

categories.Add("campaigns", new categoryHandler(Campaigns.post));

As an aside, if you're using .NET 2.0 or above, you should be using the generic Dictionary<T,T> class instead of Hashtable.

Adam Robinson
+6  A: 

The problem is that you're using Hashtable which is weakly typed. The compiler sees the method group (the name of the method you want to convert into a delegate) but doesn't know what delegate type you mean.

If you want to keep using Hashtable, you could do:

categoryHandler handler = Campaigns.post;
categories.Add("campaigns", handler);


categories.Add("campaigns", new categoryHandler(Campaigns.post));

In both cases, the method group is being convert to the specific delegate type, so it's okay.

However, a better solution is to use Dictionary<string, categoryHandler> in the first place - always use strongly typed collections where you can sensibly do so (which is almost always). For the sake of convention, it should be CategoryHandler btw - it's the name of a type. Likewise post should be Post.

Then to call it, you'd use:

 String category = "campaigns";
 CategoryHandler handler;
 if (categories.TryGetValue(category, out handler))
Jon Skeet
Although I wonder whether it just won't work with a `HashTable`. After all, `Delegate` *does* inherit from `Object`.
...I never realized there was a 'TryGetValue' on Dictionaries... All this time, I've been doing if (dict.ContainsKey(foo)){dict[foo]}... dang.
@Johannes: Editing to explain why it's failing.
Jon Skeet
great thanks!
Ah thanks. Not that I'd use a Hashtable for this but a simple "use this instead" often enough doesn't really help much :-)
+1  A: 

Don't use a hashtable use the Dictionary

Your code will change too.

     public delegate void categoryHandler(String request);     

//init code
     Dictionary<string, categoryHandler> categories = new Dictionary<string, categoryHandler> ;
     categories.Add("campaigns", Campaigns.post);

//function call
     string category = "campaigns";

     if (!categories.ContainsKey(category))
        // Key not there just return

     categoryHandler handler = categories[category];  // NO need to cast here

     if (handler != null)

     static public void post(String request)
David Basarab
Although there's no need to cast, the dictionary indexer will throw an exception when the key isn't present, instead of returning null.
Jon Skeet
That is true. I will modify.
David Basarab
great thanks!
+2  A: 

If you are using .Net 3.5, you can do what I do when I want to eliminate switch statements:

private readonly Dictionary<string, Action<string>> _lookupTable = new Dictionary<string, Action<string>>
    {"campaigns", post}
    {"somethingElse", doSomethingElse}
    {"tryIt", val => doSomethingWithVal(val)} 

then, where I would have a switch statement, I would do this:

Brian Genisio
very compact and readable this solution!