I'm writing a Delphi expert. I need to be able to write a value to a property on a property which is an object. E.g. I have a GroupBox on the form and I want to edit the Margins.Left property. I'm using the following procedure to do it but if gives an AV on the marked line.
The procedure takes a component from the (property editor) the property name (eg 'Margins.Left') and the new value, parses out the property name, fetches the object, reads the current value and attempts to change it if different. It then calls a method to log any changes.
procedure EditIntegerSubProperty(Component: IOTAComponent;const PropName: String;NewValue: Integer);
var AnObject: TObject;
TK: TTypeKind;
At: Integer;
AClassName, APropName: String;
PropInfo: PPropInfo;
OldValue: Integer;
At := Pos('.', PropName);
if At < 1 then
raise Exception.Create('Invalid SubProperty Name: '+PropName);
AClassName := Copy(PropName, 1, At-1);
APropName := Copy(PropName, At+1, length(PropName));
TK := Component.GetPropTypeByName(AClassName);
if TK <> tkClass then
AnObject := GetObjectProp((Component as INTAComponent).GetComponent, AClassName);
if PropIsType(AnObject, APropName, tkInteger) then
OldValue := GetInt64Prop(AnObject, APropName);
if OldValue <> NewValue then
SetInt64Prop(AnObject, APropName, NewValue); <----AV HERE
ChangeLogInteger(Name, PropName, OldValue, NewValue);