Wikipedia's Interpolation Definition I am just learning flex / bison and I am writing my own shell with it. I am trying to figure out a good way to do variable interpolation. My initial approach to this was to have flex scan for something like ~ for my home directory, or $myVar , and then set what the yyval.stringto what is returned using a look up function. My problem is, that this doesn't help me when text appears one token:
kbsh:/home/kbrandt% echo ~
kbsh:/home/kbrandt% echo ~/foo
/home/kbrandt /foo
The lex definition I have for variables:
\$[a-zA-Z/0-9_]+ {
yylval.string=return_value(&variables, (yytext + sizeof(char)));;
Then in my Grammar, I have things like:
CD WORD { change_dir($2); }
Anyone know of a good way to handle this sort of thing? Am I going about this all wrong?