I have 169 towns for which I want to iterate a macro. I need the output files to be saved using the town-name (rather than a town-code). I have a dataset (TOWN) with town-code and town-name. Is it possible to have a %let statement that is set to the town-name for each iteration where i=town-code?
I know that I can list out the town-names using the index function, but I'd like a way to set the index function so that it sets a %let statement to the TOWN.town-name when i=TOWN.town-code.
All the answers below seem possible. I have used the %let = %scan( ,&i) option for now. A limitation is that the town names can be more than one word, so I've substituted underscores for spaces that I correct later.
This is my macro. I output proc report to excel for each of the 169 towns. I need the excel file to be saved as the name of the town and for the header to include the name of the town. Then, in excel, I merge all 169 worksheets into a single workbook.
%let townname=Andover Ansonia Ashford Avon ... Woodbury Woodstock;
%do i = 1999 %to 2006;
%do j = 1 %to 169;
%let name = %scan(&townname,&j);
ods tagsets.msoffice2k file="&ASR.\Town_Annual\&i.\&name..xls" style=minimal;
proc report data=ASR nofs nowd split='/';
where YR=&i and TWNRES=&j;
column CODNUM AGENUM SEX,(dths_sum asr_sum seasr_sum);
define CODNUM / group ;
define agenum / group ;
define sex / across ;
define dths_sum / analysis ;
define asr_sum / analysis ;
define seasr_sum / analysis ;
break after CODNUM / ul;
TITLE1 "&name Resident Age-Specific Mortality Rates by Sex, &i";
TITLE2 "per 100,000 population for selected causes of death";
ods html close;