Can anyone please tell me why this CSS code doesn't work?
.message { border:2px solid #AAAAAA; padding: 8px; }
.message-error { background-color: #EE99BB; border-color: Red; color: Gray; }
.message-info { background-color: #AAAA22; border-color: Yellow; }
.message-success { background-color: #AAAA22; border-color: Yellow; }
The output is this:
Language was not successfully registered.
All I can get is a font color (not used here) and a border around the message. No background or border-color is executed.
The CSS file is Site.css in /Content folder. It is called from the Site.Master master page view.
The HTML is the following:
<% if (ViewData["message"] != null) { %>
<span class="message <%= ViewData["messageType"] %>">
<%= ViewData["message"] %>
<%= Html.ValidationSummary() %>
<% } %>
The HTML above is in a Notifications.ascx file in Shared folder and is rendered from the Site.Master master page view or some other partial depending on wether the request was Ajax or not.
Can anyone please help?