I'm trying to use GMFBridge to switch between multiple stream buffer graphs and I seem to have two problems.
Here's a diagram of the graphs: http://massivefailure.net/dshowgraphsalt.jpg
The VMR on the the bridge source graph that's connected to the bridge render graph is very choppy -- displaying a new frame every 4-5 seconds.
If I seek the bridge source graph that's connected to the bridge render graph then all output (the VMRs in the connected bridge source and render graphs as well as the output on the external renderer) stops for about a minute. Once it resumes the choppiness from problem #1 is gone.
I've tried disconnecting and stopping the bridge render graph before seeking and reconnecting and running it after seeking, but I still have problems with it either freezing up or the VMR on the connected bridge source graph displaying a frame about every 10 seconds.
Sort of unimportant problem:
I did have smart tees where the infinite tees are, with the VMRs connected to the preview pins, but after seeking they'd play back at 1.5-2x the normal rate until they caught up with the live stream. Is there a sane way to fix it so I can go back to a smart tee?