


      I am using C#2.0 and crystal report XI in my windows application project.

I know the Crystal report XI support sub report facility to drill down by clicking on report content. I want to modify this facility to navigate to the particular voucher (or corresponding form). When clicking on the report content I want to pop up the windows form.

Eg : The sales report have sales vouchers details. Pop up the sales voucher when clicking on the corresponding row content which display in sales report.

My knowledge :

  • Detect the mouse clicking event of crystal report.
  • Check the particular row values.
  • Invoke the particular form with respecting to the row information.

    I don't know more about crystal report and drilling facility.

    You may feel this is a utter nonsense question. But I want to implement this facility in my report. Please help me to do this. If you have any other way to implement this, don't hesitate to inform me.

Thanking you.