Which packages do you find essential in your LaTeX environment for text typesetting?
I start with: graphicx
and fancyhdr
Edited: changed to community wiki.
Which packages do you find essential in your LaTeX environment for text typesetting?
I start with: graphicx
and fancyhdr
Edited: changed to community wiki.
and pstricks
are ones I use very frequently. multicol
, graphicx
, soul
, fancyvrb
, and fancyhdr
are quite useful as well.
\usepackage{hyperref} %This is for clickable URLs.
\usepackage{multirow} %This is for making prettier tables and splitting columns and rows.
\usepackage{supertabular} %This is for making tables that extend over multiple pages
\usepackage{alltt} %This is for listing verbatim text but with Latex commands
\usepackage{listings} %This is for listing source code
\usepackage{parskip} %This is for killing indents on paragraphs and putting a blank line between them.
\usepackage{tocbibind} %This is for including the bibliography in the table of contents.
\usepackage{appendix} %This gives more control over the appendix and how it appears in the table of contents.
\usepackage{tabularx} %This is to make stretchy columns in tables
\usepackage[fleqn]{amsmath} %AMS packages give more control over positioning and format of equations
\usepackage[square]{natbib} %! needed for Harvard style of references.