I've done full copies of VMware virtual machines before. The instruction manual (for VMware Server at least) says that you have to suspend the virtual machine while it's being backed up, if it's currently running.
I wrote a script for doing VMware virtual machine backups, too. It may or may not work for you; if you wish to use it, try it on a test virtual machine first, and make sure it does what you need before deploying it fully. :-)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Carp;
use Fcntl qw(:mode);
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
use File::Spec;
use IO::Dir;
use VMware::VmPerl;
use VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams;
use VMware::VmPerl::VM;
sub timestamp($) {
my ($message) = @_;
printf STDERR "%s %s\n", scalar localtime, $message;
sub throw($) {
my ($vm) = @_;
my ($err, $errstr) = $vm->get_last_error;
croak "VMControl error $err: $errstr";
sub process($$) {
my ($vm, $proc) = @_;
if ($vm->get_execution_state == VM_EXECUTION_STATE_ON) {
my $name = $vm->get_config_file_name;
timestamp "Suspending $name";
$vm->suspend(VM_POWEROP_MODE_TRYSOFT) or throw $vm;
timestamp "Resuming $name";
$vm->start(VM_POWEROP_MODE_TRYSOFT) or throw $vm;
} else {
sub backup($$) {
my ($vm_dir, $backup_prefix) = @_;
timestamp "Backing up $vm_dir";
system '/bin/tar', 'czSf', "$backup_prefix.tar.gz", $vm_dir;
die "usage: backup-vms vms-dir backup-dir\n" unless @ARGV == 2;
my ($vms_dir, $backup_dir) = @ARGV;
timestamp 'Start of backup';
tie my %vms_entries, 'IO::Dir', $vms_dir;
my @vm_dirs = grep !/^\./ && $vms_entries{$_}->mode & S_IFDIR, keys %vms_entries;
untie %vms_entries;
# The VmPerl classes' new subs are really broken: they don't use the first
# argument as the class name, and thus you aren't supposed to use constructor
# syntax with them.
my $cp = VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams::new;
my $vm = VMware::VmPerl::VM::new;
for my $vm_dir (@vm_dirs) {
my $full_vm_dir = File::Spec->catdir($vms_dir, $vm_dir);
eval {
# .vmx file assumed to be named the same as the directory
$vm->connect($cp, File::Spec->catfile($full_vm_dir, "$vm_dir.vmx"))
or throw $vm;
process($vm, sub () {
backup($full_vm_dir, File::Spec->catdir($backup_dir, $vm_dir));
timestamp $@ if $@;
timestamp 'End of backup';