




I have a listview with an itemtemplate:

<ListView x:Name="messages" HorizontalAlignment="Left" 
    Background="{x:Null}" BorderBrush="{x:Null}" Foreground="Black">
            <TextBlock Style="{DynamicResource h3}" Text="{Binding}"
                Margin="10" MaxWidth="850"/>

This listview is in a vertical stackpanel. So its width is the same as the stackpanel's width.

The listview must show messages that could be very long. I'm trying to make sure that when a message is too long for the available width, the textblock gets extra height and the text gets displayed on 2 lines.

I can google a lot of ways to have this achieved with a fixed height, but since I don't know in advance if I'll need more than 1 line, I'd like to make sure it happens automaticly. I don't want every item to have the height of 2 lines, only when it's needed.

How can I achieve this?

+2  A: 

Have you tried the TextWrapping property? It seems that it would do what you want.

Mike Two
not sure anymore if this fixed it but I'm marking as answer anyway..
Thomas Stock