Add a handler for MouseUp.
In the handler, check the args for a right mouse button, return if it's not.
Call treeView.GetNodeAt() with the mouse coordinates to find the node.
Create a context menu.
Here's something similar for a list control which can be adapted for a TreeView:
private void listJobs_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
int index = listJobs.IndexFromPoint(e.Location);
if (index != ListBox.NoMatches)
listJobs.SelectedIndex = index;
Job job = (Job)listJobs.Items[index];
ContextMenu cm = new ContextMenu();
AddMenuItem(cm, "Run", QueueForRun, job).Enabled = !job.Pending;
AddMenuItem(cm, "Cancel run", CancelQueueForRun, job).Enabled = (job.State == JobState.Pending || job.State == JobState.Running);
AddMenuItem(cm, "Open folder", OpenFolder, job);
cm.Show(listJobs, e.Location);
private MenuItem AddMenuItem(ContextMenu cm, string text, EventHandler handler, object context)
MenuItem item = new MenuItem(text, handler);
item.Tag = context;
return item;
You may need to use PointToClient or PointToScreen on the form to translate the coordinates appropriately. You'll soon realize if you need them when the context menu appears in the wrong place.