I started this as a comment to Bill James's answer but I figured it might be longer. Bill suggeseted using groovy code inside ${} to make the template (called partial in Rails) work globally:
<g:each in="${ Category.findAll() }" var="cat" />
But, you should not just add code if you dont feel like it might mess up your tidy xml/html. You can always put it in a closure inside a TagLib and thus make it a Tag. The closure must have no parameters, or an 'attr' parameter, or an 'attr' and 'body' parameters but other signatures are invalid.
class CustomTagLib {
static namespace = 'cus'
def categories = { attr, body ->
g.each( in: Category.findAll(), var: attr?.var ?: 'categories' )
Then you can use that tag into the template with the namespace you chose:
<cus:categories />
Personally I prefer using tags since most of the time it is a reusable code, so it's better for not violating the DRY principle.