I have created a tool that imports an excel sheet. The excel COM object is created during the lifetime of the app. I have applied the MVP pattern to my tool so that VIEW and Presenter are seperating the UI and logic.
The vIEW that is a WinForm is having a Dispose() method due inheritance from From class, which is overriden in the Deisgner code.
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing && (components != null))
Thats literally where I insert my dispose call o my presenter, which itself is a managed code, but yet contains unmanaged COM objects.
The presenter is then trying to release the COM object by doing this:
public void Dispose()
Int32 countDown = 1;
while (countDown > 0)
countDown = Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_excelObj);
If I open the app without importing anything, the Excel process disappears after closing teh app. Otehrwise if the app is used to import a sheet, the excel object doesn't let go anymore and remains in memory., even afte rthe job is sucesfully executed or cancelled.
I have found a good link that helped me further, but the problem still remains: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/814821/how-do-i-ensure-that-objects-are-disposed-of-properly-in-net
Thanks for help,