Creating a Description of the COM class and Interfaces
.Net assemblies don't include information in Type Library compatible format. So it is necessary for the programmer to run one of two .Net-supplied utilities to extract the assembly description of a class into a Type Library file.
One utility is TLBEXP.EXE, the .Net Type Library Exporter. This command line utility takes as input the name of an assembly DLL file to be converted to a Type Library. The programmer can also specify the name of a Type Library file to be created.
tlbexp ComServer.dll /out:ComServer.tlb
Assembly exported to C:\Magellan\Source\Output\Debug\ComServer.tlb
Once a Type Library has been created, it can be referenced by a COM client to obtain the information necessary for the COM client to bind to the interfaces of the COM class, and activate the COM class at runtime.
Registration of the COM Class and Interfaces
For a COM class to be accessible by the client at runtime, the COM infrastructure must know how to locate the code that implements the COM class. The following command accomplishes this:
regasm ComServer.dll
Your DLL can be put anywhere you wish, but a good choice is C:\Program Files\MyApplication.