I want to create an NSIS installer that checks for the .NET Framework and installs it if it's not there. Can you point me to a script for this? I'm very new to NSIS.
You don't mention which .Net version, but an alternate solution would be to install it silently.
Silent install of the .NET Framework
Redistributing the .NET Framework 2.0
This is how I deal with the vcredist_x86.exe (i.e. just install silently always)
2009-09-18 20:09:54
!define DOT_MAJOR "2"
!define DOT_MINOR "0"
Function IsDotNetInstalled
StrCpy $0 "0"
StrCpy $1 "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework" ;registry entry to look in.
StrCpy $2 0
;Enumerate the versions installed.
EnumRegKey $3 HKLM "$1\policy" $2
;If we don't find any versions installed, it's not here.
StrCmp $3 "" noDotNet notEmpty
;We found something.
;Find out if the RegKey starts with 'v'.
;If it doesn't, goto the next key.
StrCpy $4 $3 1 0
StrCmp $4 "v" +1 goNext
StrCpy $4 $3 1 1
;It starts with 'v'. Now check to see how the installed major version
;relates to our required major version.
;If it's equal check the minor version, if it's greater,
;we found a good RegKey.
IntCmp $4 ${DOT_MAJOR} +1 goNext yesDotNetReg
;Check the minor version. If it's equal or greater to our requested
;version then we're good.
StrCpy $4 $3 1 3
IntCmp $4 ${DOT_MINOR} yesDotNetReg goNext yesDotNetReg
;Go to the next RegKey.
IntOp $2 $2 + 1
goto StartEnum
;Now that we've found a good RegKey, let's make sure it's actually
;installed by getting the install path and checking to see if the
;mscorlib.dll exists.
EnumRegValue $2 HKLM "$1\policy\$3" 0
;$2 should equal whatever comes after the major and minor versions
;(ie, v1.1.4322)
StrCmp $2 "" noDotNet
ReadRegStr $4 HKLM $1 "InstallRoot"
;Hopefully the install root isn't empty.
StrCmp $4 "" noDotNet
;build the actuall directory path to mscorlib.dll.
StrCpy $4 "$4$3.$2\mscorlib.dll"
IfFileExists $4 yesDotNet noDotNet
;Nope, something went wrong along the way. Looks like the proper .NETFramework isn't installed.
Push "NOK"
;Everything checks out. Go on with the rest of the installation.
Push "OK"
2010-05-04 18:17:51