





I'm trying to use jQuery Countdown to count down to a particular date in 'full' mode (that is, the compact option set to false). The problem is, the last date component, whether it is seconds, minutes, or whatever has been specified in the format option breaks off on to the next line in Internet Explorer (checked on both IE7 and IE8) when the timer is rendered:

    $(function () {
        var austDay = new Date(2009, 11, 11);
        $('#defaultCountdown').countdown({until: austDay, 
                                          format: 'ODHMS', 
                                          compact: false});

Unfortunately I can't provide a screen grab at this time as I'm using a mac. It works just fine in compact mode, but it's not nearly as pretty.

Has anyone experienced this and devised a workaround/fix? Any ideas?

+2  A: 

Did you try adding a style rule in? This will eliminate line breaks inside the container.

#defaultCountdown { white-space: nowrap; }

Or...am I completely misunderstanding your problem?

Nick Craver