



In my visual studio mvc applications I have 4 build configurations; one is to use IIS as the web server, which requires "run as administrator" when running visual studio.

So I ran as admin and created some new files. I have a multi-project template that I use for all my web applications. So I copied the new files from the project I was using back to my template project because they would be useful for all my projects, but didn't think about the "run as administrator" thing. So now when I create a new project from my template and try to run the development web server nothing happens, but when a run as administrator the web server loads everything with no problems.

So my question is how can I remove the "run as administrator" requirements from all the files and folders, and I really don't know which files were added, there were many? I have to remove the administrator requirement because many people maintain the code besides me after its in production. Do I need to just recreate the entire project template?

I am using VS 2008 sp1, Windows 7 RC

Thanks Dean


The Run As Administrator requirement for VS is based on it requiring access to IIS, if I remember correctly, not the files themselves.

People on other machines that don't have this level of UAC protection, say Windows XP, shouldn't have this problem.

Dan Atkinson

The problem is very likely that some of the files are owned by an administrative user and can't be overwritten by non-administrative users. The ACLs on the files likely need to be updated. One way to do this is to right-click Properties on every file, go to the security tab, and add the appropriate users/groups with the appropriate permissions to each file (probably try to match the files that already exist and have correct permissions).

There is a command line tool called CACLS (more info here and here) that can do this much more quickly, but it's non-trivial and you don't want to screw it up. You would run CACLS as the owner of the directory or the administrator to grant permissions to non-administrators.

Here's an example that gives user "Michael" full control to the SQL Server data directory and all subdirectories and files:


Please note that I have no experience with Windows 7. ACLs have been around since the first version of Windows NT and I'm assuming nothing changed radically in Windows 7.

Michael Maddox