In my application i want to send something to the server after some time. I have implemented it using AJAX. But it works for the first time but not doing it recursively. I have used setTimeOut() for doing that.
var xmlHttp;
var requestURL = 'http://localhost:1092/ClassicAJAXDemo/UpdateHeartbeat.aspx?name=';
function show_data(strName)
if (strName.length > 0)
var url = requestURL + strName;
xmlHttp = GetXmlHttpObject(stateChangeHandler);
xmlHttp_Get(xmlHttp, url);
function stateChangeHandler()
if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4)
var str = xmlHttp.responseText;
setTimeOut(show_data('Dev'), 10000); // It is not waiting for 10 seconds.
function xmlHttp_Get(xmlhttp, url)
{'GET', url, true);
function GetXmlHttpObject(handler)
return new XMLHttpRequest();
window.onload = show_data('Dev');