Hi everyone! I'm very new to JSON, and I need to parse some that an API is providing. A quick google search turned up JSON.NET, so I'm trying to use it now to parse this JSON into a list object. First of all, is JSON.NET the best library to use for this?
This is what I'm trying to do: I have a class called Item, for example. The json has many "elements" (if that's what they are called), and each contains 3 fields: an integer named id, a string named name, and a datetime named creationTime. I would like to parse all of these Item "elements" from the json into a list of Item objects. I have created 3 fields in the Item class to match the JSON. How can this be done using JSON.NET?
I've tried:
List<Item> fav = (List<Item>)new JsonSerializer().Deserialize(new JsonReader((TextReader)new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())));
but it doesn't seem to work. I get a casting error - it just can't process it into a list enclosure, but I'm not even sure whether it's able to process the JSON into one Item class (JSON.NET is not very well-documented, but I'm going to heavily debug it tomorrow).
Can you give me some sample code to explain how I can parse it with JSON.NET?
UPDATE: By the way, forgot to mention - my project is going to be targeting .NET Framework 2.0, so I'm using the legacy version of JSON.NET: 1.3.1. Are there any HUGE advantages that may make the project worth converting to .NET 3.5, while undermining the minimal system requirements?
UPDATE #2: I have decided to use the JavascriptSerializer class in System.Web.Extensions.dll instead of JSON.NET, and a question about that is posted here. Thanks!