Okay, so i am continuing to work on my little game engine to teach me C#/C++ more. Now i am attempting to write a way of storing data in a binary format, that i created. (This is learning, i want to do this my self from scratch). What i am wondering what is the best way of dealing with variable length arrays inside a structure when reading it in C++?
E.g. Here is what i currently have for my structures:
public struct FooBinaryHeader
public Int32 m_CheckSumLength;
public byte[] m_Checksum;
public Int32 m_NumberOfRecords;
public FooBinaryRecordHeader[] m_BinaryRecordHeaders;
public FooBinaryRecord[] m_BinaryRecords;
public struct FooBinaryRecordHeader
public Int32 m_FileNameLength;
public char[] m_FileName;
public Int64 m_Offset;
public struct FooBinaryRecord
public bool m_IsEncrypted;
public Int64 m_DataSize;
public byte[] m_Data;
Now how would i go about in C++ to actually read this in as a structure in C++? I was kinda hoping to get around reading each of the elements one by one and copying them into a structure.
The only real tutorial i found on this is this: http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic%5Fid=310409&whichpage=1&#1989200
I'll take a wild guess and say reading this into a C++ structure is not really possible correct?