



The problem

I'm running into the typical virtual-directory dilemma in that you have some paths on your ASP.Net application and you deploy the app in a IIS virtual directory. Then all paths relatives to the "web root" (f.i., "/images") doesn't work because the app is in a virtual directory path.

The solutions

A. Make the "images" folder a virtual directory. This way "/images" will always exist.

B. Use "<%=Request.ApplicationPath%>/Imagenes" as the source of my images. This works great in IIS but I can't see it in design-time nor in debug-time.

This solution also include these instructions:

  • System.Web.VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute
  • ResolveClientUrl
  • Request.ApplicationPath

C. Use relatives paths to the current control/page. This is know exactly where the images folder is relative to my current file (without go to the root. So I would use things like "", "../", "../../" and so on.

The solution I'm looking for

Said that. I don't like these solutions. I would want a solution in the web.config file or in IIS. Some conf intruction I write in the web.config file that tells IIS where my application resides actually (virtual directory).

Any advice?

+3  A: 

Are you using the tilde (~) for your paths where you can?

~ refers to the root of the virtual Web application....

~/images for example.

alternatively, for non-server-side img elements, you can use the "/" character to refer to the root, as in <img src="/images/back.png" />.
David Andres
@klabranche, the tilde (~) is for server-side controls and only usable in server-side code (, The slash "/" assumes your app is in the Web Site root (not for virtual directories). (> A site-root relative path, which is resolved against the site root (not the application root).
David Elizondo
@dealmo - I did say where you can.... I understand you are looking for an alternate approach to the one's you listed. I was just making sure you have at least done what you can where you can. :)
@klabranche - sorry, and thanks. In fact I used it in a couple of controls. But I want to resolve it in aspx pages and css files :/
David Elizondo
No need to apologize. :)
@daelmo: You're correct. The images either need to be placed in inetpub\wwwroot\images or the src attribute of the img element should be updated to "/virtual directory/images/back.png" Thanks for the update.
David Andres

If it's just for css files on the client side then using the url directive makes the path relative to that of the style sheet rather than the page:

h1#title { background: url('dog.gif') no-repeat 0 0; } 

Also if you're on mvc then you have access to:

<script src="<%= Url.Content("~/scripts/new.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script>
Giles Roberts