Relational theory has it that each relvar ("table") has an associated predicate that defines the meaning of the tuples therein. That predicate ought to be part of the formal documentation of the database, such that no one who actually consults the documentation can have any excuse for "having misunderstood something" (unless the documentation is incomplete of course).
Including the definition of units in that predicate (e.g. "The length of person ... is FEET.", "The measured temperature was ... KELVIN", ...) achieves that completeness and avoids having to resort to those rather ugly attribute ("column") names.
I don't understand why "just storing the numbers" (in a standard unit that is agreed upon by all users) would be "not easy".
If foobaricity exists as a unit, and someone comes up with a new unit fluffyperception, then that someone will first have to formally establish the correspondance between quantities of foobaricity and quantities of fluffyperception anyway, or nothing he states will/can be understood by anyone.
I saw this added :
"I need to preserve the information about the original unit."
Nothing stops you from doing that. Two extra columns (original quantity and original unit name) alongside the "canonicalized" value. You can constrain "original unit name" as strong or as lax as you want.