



What is a really good book that lists and explains all the namespaces of the .NET framework. version 2 (3/3.5 is a plus)?

+11  A: 

If you want explanation of everything in the .NET Framework, the ultimate reference is the MSDN Library. You should consult that instead of looking for books.

Mehrdad Afshari
second that. i don't want to know how many pages it would take to cover that all in a book.
oh yeah. there is that. It's just the MSDN isn't written to be understood but rather as reference. They (in my opinion) don't produce good learning material.
Theo: It's simply next to impossible to cover the whole .NET Framework with that amount of detail in a couple thousand pages. MSDN is designed to be such kind of reference. It has to be concise. That's why it might not be suitable to begin learning something from.
Mehrdad Afshari
You don't approach learning .NET by going through the contents of all namespaces, anyway. Rather get a good overview and then expand on the major topics such as delegates, generics, reflection, linq, etc., using msdn as reference.
The thing is I've been using the framework for 4years now to do things as I needed but soon learned that there are easier ways to implement things through using the framework PROPERLY. I really wanted a somewhat practical use case scenario of the different namespaces.
+2  A: 

The best way to learn all of the tools offered by .NET is through experience. Learn the basics of C#/VB.NET as well as the classes included in the "core" namespaces of the .NET framework (System, System.Collections[.Generic], etc.). From there, explore additional namespaces and classes as you need them.

The MSDN Library is designed to be more of a "reference" resource, but that's because the .NET Framework is not meant to be learned all at once.

Justin R.
+1 for the "As you need them". The framework is to big to learn all.
I guess experience is the most logical way. The contents of a number of books I've looked at seem to explain the framework from a feature/scenario context which inevitably exposes one to the different namespaces.
+1  A: 

Forget about books. Every time you suspect there may be another way, a class you don't know about etc. come and ask here, and you will find much more than books or MSDN can show you.
