Anyone know of a decent, reliable, jQuery based min/max width fix for IE6
This one looks decent. I haven't tried it, but it looks to handle browser resizing. Needs adapting though, I highly doubt it's copypasta ready (there's hardcoded stuff in there).
Dan F
2009-09-20 12:01:36
I toyed around with this one for a while, but can't seem to get it to work for the page I'm working on at the mo. Damm public sector companies and their failure to upgrade!
2009-09-20 14:43:01
Does it have to be a jQuery fix? If it's just the CSS you're trying to compensate for you could use CSS Expressions to solve your IE6 max/min width problems like this:
#wrap {
width: expression(document.body.clientWidth < 742? "740px" : document.body.clientWidth > 1202? "1200px" : "auto");
You could take the same code into your JavaScript if you're really looking for a JS fix. I just try to keep CSS for presentation, JS for additional enhancement.
There are performance issues relating to using CSS Expressions, however if you're using IE6 then you've got bigger problems...
Jason Berry
2009-09-21 00:30:12
thats a buggy solution. if the browser window is already smaller than that value your browser will freeze.
2010-04-15 16:38:59