I have an ASP.NET MVC application that utilizes NHiberante and SQL Server 2008 on the backend. There are requirements for sending out both event-driven notifications on a daily/weekly basis AND general notifications on a weekly basis.
Here is an example of how the event-driven workflow needs to work:
- Employee(s) create a number of purchase orders.
- An e-mail notification is sent daily to any supervisor with a subordinate employee that has made a purchase order with a list of all purchase orders created by subordinates that require his approval. The supervisor should only get this once (e.g. if Employee A creates a PO, his supervisor should not get an e-mail EVERY DAY until he approves). Also, the list of purchase orders should ONLY include those which the supervisor has NOT taken action against. If no purchase orders need approval by a given supervisor ... they should not get an e-mail.
- An e-mail notification is sent daily to Dept. Managers with a list of all purchase orders APPROVED by subordinate supervisors in a similar fashion to #2 above.
- Any time any action is taken with regards to approving a PO by a supervisor or dept. manager, the employee should get an e-mail notification daily listing ALL such changes. If there are none for a given employee, they should not get an e-mail at all.
So given such a workflow:
- What is the best way to schedule such notifications to happen daily, weekly or even immediately after an event occurs?
- How would you ensure that such event-driven notifications ONLY get delivered once?
- How would you handle exceptions to ensure that failed attempts to send e-mail are logged and so that an attempt could be made to send the following day?