




Is there any way to parse a string in vb.net (like, built in methods), that can do math like Eval can? For example, 3+(7/3.5) as a string would return 2.

I am not asking for you to code this for me, I just want to know if there is a built in way to do this, if there is not I will code it myself.

I can wager that it would not be able to parse stuff like Sin(90) on its own, and I understand that would need to be replaced by Math.Sin(90).

If there is a built in method, how do you use it?


I don't know about VB.net built in, but we do stuff like this by linking in the IronPython runtime and passing it the expressions. This is way way faster that using reflection.

Preet Sangha
IronPython? Eh?
Joel Mueller
I already googled it >.>
My apologies. I interpreted "Eh?" as "What's IronPython?" when clearly you intended those two letters and a question mark to stand in for a more specific question. Since you already know what IronPython is, you also know that it's a dynamic language (like JavaScript) that can evaluate expressions (like JavaScript). You also must know that it runs on the .NET framework. What Preet Sangha was suggesting is that you could make a simple IronPython library to evaluate math expressions, and call it from your VB.NET code.
Joel Mueller
"Eh?" at the time of questioning should have been interpreted as "What's IronPython?", as you correctly assumed, but by the time you posted the link which explains how to google it, I had already done so yet had neglected to remark upon this fact. Please pardon my negligence in doing so, as I am sick right now and forgot to check the question right after I had finished said googling.
+1  A: 

This CodeProject article might do the trick:

An expression evaluator written in VB.NET

There is also this:

Robert Harvey
Its in vb.net 2003, and the conversion wizard broke it (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1442025/visual-studio-conversion-wizard-why-put-it-in-if-it-is-broken-whats-the-point), so unless you could compile it into a .dll for me then I cannot use it. Thanks for trying tho!
What about the second link? It actually uses Javascript to do the work for you.
Robert Harvey
Just saw that link there, ill use that if my custom parser can't handle the job. I think I am gonna try that first at this point, it would be a good learning experience for me as I am still new to vb.
OK. Good luck with it.
Robert Harvey
Thanks! When I fail, at least I know I will have the same end result.

One way would be to use the CodeDom namespace to compile it and execute it using reflection. May not be that performant, I don't know.

Give an example?
Refer to CodeDom Calculator in Ahmad's answer.
+1  A: 

There's a shortcut for limited (ie. simple) math expressions by using the DataTable.Compute method. Obviously, this isn't robust (limited functionality) and feels hackish to misuse the DataTable for this purpose, but I figured I would add to the current answers.


var result = new DataTable().Compute("3+(7/3.5)", null); // 5

"Sin(90)" wouldn't work with this approach. Refer to the DataColumn.Expression Property page for a list of supported functions, specifically under the "Aggregates" section.

Using the System.CodeDom namespace is an option.

Some helpful links:

EDIT: to address your comment, here is an approach to demonstrate replacing trigonometric functions with their equivalent Math class methods.


string expression = "(Sin(0) + Cos(0)+Tan(0)) * 10";
string updatedExpression = Regex.Replace(expression, @"(?<func>Sin|Cos|Tan)\((?<arg>.*?)\)", match =>
      match.Groups["func"].Value == "Sin" ? Math.Sin(Int32.Parse(match.Groups["arg"].Value)).ToString() :
      match.Groups["func"].Value == "Cos" ? Math.Cos(Int32.Parse(match.Groups["arg"].Value)).ToString() :
var result = new DataTable().Compute(updatedExpression, null); // 10


Dim expression As String = "(Sin(0) + Cos(0)+Tan(0)) * 10"
Dim updatedExpression As String = Regex.Replace(expression, "(?<func>Sin|Cos|Tan)\((?<arg>.*?)\)", Function(match As Match) _
     If(match.Groups("func").Value = "Sin", Math.Sin(Int32.Parse(match.Groups("arg").Value)).ToString(), _
     If(match.Groups("func").Value = "Cos", Math.Cos(Int32.Parse(match.Groups("arg").Value)).ToString(), _
     Math.Tan(Int32.Parse(match.Groups("arg").Value)).ToString())) _
Dim result = New DataTable().Compute(updatedExpression, Nothing)

Note, however, that you need to know the contents of the "arg" group. I know they are ints, so I used Int32.Parse on them. If they are a combination of items then this simple approach won't work. I suspect you will constantly need to band-aid the solution if it gets too complicated with more unsupported function calls, in which case the CodeDom approach or others may be more suitable.

Ahmad Mageed
It works, and you just saved me a TON of time coding. Ill just do what I was gonna do before with the Sin and that style of function. This is much, much, much more efficient than my class I was making lol.
I cannot seem to make Sin(90) and things like that work, at all. How can I replace the entity Sin(<anything>) with the computed Math.Sin(<anything>)?
@Cyclone: see my edit
Ahmad Mageed

It's a bit late, but here is exactly what you wanted (make sure you parse the input to make sure there is no statement like 'something + vbcrlf + exec "format c:"' in it):


MessageBox.Show(COR.Tools.EvalProvider.Eval("return 8-3*2").ToString())


'Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System

Namespace COR.Tools

Public Class EvalProvider

    Public Shared Function Eval(ByVal vbCode As String) As Object
        Dim c As VBCodeProvider = New VBCodeProvider
        Dim icc As System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler = c.CreateCompiler()
        Dim cp As System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters = New System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters

        ' Sample code for adding your own referenced assemblies
        cp.CompilerOptions = "/t:library"
        cp.GenerateInMemory = True
        Dim sb As System.Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder("")
        sb.Append("Imports System" & vbCrLf)
        sb.Append("Imports System.Xml" & vbCrLf)
        sb.Append("Imports System.Data" & vbCrLf)
        sb.Append("Imports System.Data.SqlClient" & vbCrLf)
        sb.Append("Namespace MyEvalNamespace  " & vbCrLf)
        sb.Append("Class MyEvalClass " & vbCrLf)

        sb.Append("public function  EvalCode() as Object " & vbCrLf)
        'sb.Append("YourNamespace.YourBaseClass thisObject = New YourNamespace.YourBaseClass()")
        sb.Append(vbCode & vbCrLf)
        sb.Append("End Function " & vbCrLf)
        sb.Append("End Class " & vbCrLf)
        sb.Append("End Namespace" & vbCrLf)
        Debug.WriteLine(sb.ToString()) ' look at this to debug your eval string
        Dim cr As System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults = icc.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, sb.ToString())
        Dim a As System.Reflection.Assembly = cr.CompiledAssembly
        Dim o As Object
        Dim mi As System.Reflection.MethodInfo
        o = a.CreateInstance("MyEvalNamespace.MyEvalClass")
        Dim t As Type = o.GetType()
        mi = t.GetMethod("EvalCode")
        Dim s As Object
        s = mi.Invoke(o, Nothing)
        Return s
    End Function

End Class ' EvalProvider

End Namespace
Good workaround, never thought of compiling it into a dll!