well im using this script right here:
and I have a multiMonth plugin and multiple select enabled.
I want to be able to on load have certain dates already selected and those dates come from a database
I found two possible clues to help me out, but since I have not strictly learned JS yet, I can not made heads or tails.
here's the code right now im using:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
jQuery(function() {
numMonths: 12,
inline: true,
selectMultiple: true,
startDate: '01/09/2009', // DD/MM/YY
month: 8, // 0=JAN 1=FEB ...
year: 2009
function(event, displayedMonth, displayedYear) {
//uncomment if you have firebug and want to confirm this works as expected...
//console.log('dpMonthChanged', arguments);
function(event, date, jQuerytd, status) {
//uncomment if you have firebug and want to confirm this works as expected...
//console.log('dateSelected', arguments);
new Date().asString()).trigger('change');
function(e) {
return false;
and this part is not being selected, I took it from the select todays date demo
.val(new Date().asString()).trigger('change');