



I have a parent child table relationship. In the example below Foo has a FooID and a nullable ParentFooID that points to a parent record.

The Bar table is always linked to the parent record. This is the SQL I use to get the result.

Select * from Foo f
JOIN  Bar b
  ON b.FooID =  
       WHEN f.ParentFooID is null
         THEN f.FooID
       ELSE f.ParentFooID

I'm having a bit of trouble getting this into a LINQ query. I'd like to avoid a cross join like the following:

    var q = from f in Foo 
            from b in Bar 
            where  b.FooID == (f.ParentFooID ?? f.FooID)




Some complex scenarios aren't well mapped by LINQ; I would suggest that joining onto a case is one of them. Re doing it as a cross join... have your profiled it? (i.e. the subsequent SQLfrom the from ... from ... (LINQ) vs the complex join (TSQL)? In many cases the profiler can get the same (or similar) query plan from the old-style approaches.

Marc Gravell
I have profiled the from...from scenario and yes, it does result in a cross join which does do a index scan (not a seek) so it's going to perform a lot worse than the original query which is doing a index seek.
Worth testing, at least.
Marc Gravell
+4  A: 

Your specific example is using CASE to fall back to a non-null value, which is really just a COALESCE. In which case, this works:

var q = from f in dc.Foos
        b in dc.Bars
        (f.ParentFooID ?? f.FooID)
        into grouped
        select grouped;

Which translates into:

FROM [dbo].[Foo] AS [t0]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[Bar] AS [t1]
ON (COALESCE([t0].[ParentFooID],[t0].[FooID])) = [t1].[FooID]
ORDER BY [t0].[FooID], [t1].[BarID]

The key is the left outer join on COALESCE(case1, case2), so the expression converter does seem to understand that.

Rex M
+1  A: 

Doesn't directly answer your question but wouldn't the original query be better phrased without the case conditional as:

Select * 
from Foo f
JOIN Bar b ON b.FooID = f.FooID
Where f.ParentFooID is null
Select * 
from Foo f
JOIN Bar b ON b.FooID = f.ParentFooID
Where f.ParentFooID is not null

In which case, the LINQ expression should be easier?

Mitch Wheat