



O.k, this is really irritating, I had noticed previously that the code generated by WPF for loading XAML resources did not appear to use strong names and therefore may be problematic for scenarios where you need to support side by side versions of WPF assemblies.

This has turned out to be the case, and it's now causing me problems - I have a plug-in system which is supposed to support side by side installation of plugins which differ only in their version numbers (their assembly versions). This of course can be supported by .NET since assemblies are determined to have different identities even if they have the same DLL filename, provided that they are strongly named and either have a different public/private key OR have a different assembly version number.

Now, if we look at the code generated for windows and usercontrols by visual studio, we see in the auto-generated file the following:

/// <summary>
/// InitializeComponent
/// </summary>
public void InitializeComponent() {
    if (_contentLoaded) {
    _contentLoaded = true;
    System.Uri resourceLocater = new System.Uri("/Sensormatic.AMK1000.Panel;component/views/servicepanelui.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative);

    #line 1 "..\..\..\Views\ServicePanelUI.xaml"
    System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(this, resourceLocater);

    #line default
    #line hidden

Notice the line where the resource locater is created - it is using a relative URI which does not specify the strong name or the version of the assembly which contains the xaml resource.

I thought maybe LoadComponent would check the calling assembly's identity and use it's public key and version details or perhaps check the identity of the assembly which contains the type for the 'this' parameter.

It appears this is not the case - if you have two assemblies with different version numbers (but the same filename) then you can get an IOException with the message "Cannot locate resource X" (for above example "Cannot locate resource 'views/servicepanelui.xaml'.

Worse, I'm pretty sure that this is also going to mean that assemblies with the same filename but different public/private key, i.e. from different publishers, will also result in this error.

So, does anyone know how to get around this? How to make WPF strong name compliant.

Note, as far as I'm concerned this is a WPF bug. You shouldn't have to use Appdomain isolation just to avoid this.


I tend to agree that this is probably a bug, or at least a deficiency in the XAML tooling. Perhaps you should report it on Connect.

I haven't tried, but here are a couple of potential workarounds:

  1. Inject a pre-build step to automatically modify the .g.cs files to use pack URIs that specify the full assembly information (AssemblyShortName[;Version][;PublicKey];component/Path)
  2. Attach to AppDomain.AssemblyResolve to help the CLR find the right assembly

HTH, Kent

Kent Boogaart
Thanks Kent, though I was hoping there'd be some inbuilt way of handling this! (though I've not found it).I don't think #2 is going to help - pretty sure the assembly resolution request is only going to have the weak name since that's what the URI is specifying, and then I don't know which is the assembly which should be used. #1 might work, though obviously kind of ugly. BTW, great work on truss. Using it in my current project.