What I want?
I want to display weather information on my page. I want to display the result in the browser specific culture.
What am I doing?
I use MSN RSS for this purpose. MSN returns the report in XML format. I parse the XML and display results.
What problem am I facing?
When displaying the report, I have to parse an XML node, <data>
which will be different values in different culture.
For e.g.,
en-US: "Lo: 46°F. Hi: 67°F. Chance of precipitation: 20%"
de-DE: "Niedrig: 46°F. Höchst: 67°F. Niederschlag %: 20%"
I want to read only low, high and chance of precipitation values. i.e., I want to read 46, 67 and 20%.
Can somebody please give me a solution for this?
May be RegX or someother method is also fine with me :-)
Thanks in advance!