



In a webpage I'm building I use anchors for easy navigating. The styling of these anchors in IE6 gives me some troubles.

<div class="text">
    <h3><a class="anchor" name="custom_name">Title</a></h3>
    Lorem ipsum <a href="otherpage.aspx">dolor</a> sit amet.

With this CSS:

    color: #000;

.text a[href] 
    color: #ea2026;  //red

.anchor, .anchor:hover
    color: #a9a18c;  //gray
    text-decoration: none;

In FF and IE7+, no problems. But in IE6, the links are white (as defined in the body selector) because it has issues with the .text a[href]. When I remove the [href] though, the anchors become red in all browsers (naturally). In firefox the hover still gives an effect, but not in IE.

Is there a way to style the anchors differently than the regular links in both FF and IE6? Obviously the class "anchor" doesn't help much...

Edit - Sorry, this is what I want:
All regular links have to be red (the href's). All the anchors have to be the h3 colour, gray. When I hover over a regular link it underlines, and a hover over one of the anchors should virtually change nothing.


Try using .text > a to hit the second link. It will only hit direct children of the .text class.

Interesting function, this. Sadly this doesn't fix this particular issue, but I did learn something new :) Thanks!
Yeah, I realized later what it was that you were really after. But I thought I'd let the answer stay anyway. Glad you liked it, though (:

there’s a:link for this:

a { /* styles for all anchors */ }
a:link, a:visited { /* styles only for links */ }
a:hover { /* styles that should only apply to hovered links (not anchors) */ }
Sorry, this does nothing differently than the .text a selector.
+1  A: 

Drop the "anchor" class... I think what you want is this:

    color: #000;

.text a
    color: #ea2026; /*red*/

.text h3 a, .text h3 a:hover
    color: #a9a18c; /*gray*/
    text-decoration: none;
Timothy Khouri
Bingo, this is it. I failed to see the option of using h3 as a selector... Thanks :)
+2  A: 


<h3><a class="anchor" name="custom_name">Title</a></h3>


<h3 class="fragment" id="custom_name">Title</h3>

It is shorter, and doesn't get mixed up with styles intended for links.

(Alternatively, look at a:link:hover, a:visited:hover {}, but I don't know what IE is like about supporting multiple pseudo-classes on a single part of a selector)

David Dorward
I think you missed the point 100%... he wants anchors in the page so as to allow navigation... how would taking out the "a" tag help?
Timothy Khouri
Surprisingly this does work actually. h3 tags with an id can be linked to... so this is indeed a lot cleaner! Never knew this :)
As per the spec:
David Dorward
I would like to go on record as to eating my words :)
Timothy Khouri

Two things:

adding an anchor element without giving it an id will not make navigation easier. It's also less likely to be valid. I think what you want is to have anchors that point to the ID of the h3. Something like:

<div class="linktotext">
<a href="#title1">Title</a>
<div class="text">
    <h3 id="title1">Title</h3>
    Lorem ipsum <a href="otherpage.aspx">dolor</a> sit amet.

Now the anchor in the first part links to the id in the second part.


To fix your specific issue, you can simply specify the CSS for a elements inside of h3 elements, like this:

    color: #000;

.text a
    color: #ea2026;  //red

.text h3 a, .text h3 a:hover
    color: #a9a18c;  //gray
    text-decoration: none;