




I stumbled upon a copy of 'CodeNotes for XML' and I just love it. It's a smallish book (like a pocket guide feel) with only a few hundred pages that explains XML just beautifully and offers a great layout for a handy reference book.

The book was great at filtering out fluff that you find in most books but yet it did the job just as well/better when it comes to actually learning something.

By the looks the series only lasted during the early 2000's but I would really really love to find a similar series (or know if they just changed the name of the series).

You can view the books HERE

+1  A: 

Check out O'Reilly's Pocket References:

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Andrew Hare
+1: The LINQ Pocket Reference and C# 3.0 Pocket Reference have proved to be very handy.
Well you sold me, thanks mate!