




This is probably very simple but I couldn't find anything about in the usual latex guides. In this phrase:

{\em hello\/}

what is the purpose of the "\/" ?

+12  A: 

This is a so-called italic correction. Its purpose is to ensure proper spacing after italic text.

Example: {\itshape M}M will produce MM, but with the M's touching {\itshape M\/}M will produce M M, with just enough spacing.

Interesting. and what about \emph{}? does it do the italic correction automatically?
Yes, \emph does italic correction automatically.
Jouni K. Seppänen
Thanks for clearing that up. I wasn't sure about that.
What about \textit{}? ChkTex is giving me warnings on it.
Paul Biggar
Paul—All of the font commands that take an argument insert italic correction automatically. ChkTeX is probably warning you that you should use `\emph` instead or something like that.
Will Robertson
@Will Robertson: Thanks. Actually, it gives warnings about \emph{} as well, so I think its probably just wrong.
Paul Biggar
+1  A: 

\/ is also the standard macro for seperating letters which would form a ligature normaly, so as said before it acts as a seperator. But if you’re are using the packages (n)german or babel with option (n)german (I don’t know at the moment whether it works on other languages as well) you can take "| which generates a slightly better space and does not touch the hyphenation, as \/ would do.
