
CListCtrl doesn't appear to support Integral Height. Here's a solution that accomplishes what you desire by forcefully changing the control height [with commented conditions] (http://www.codeproject.com/Messages/418084/Socket-accept-call.aspx):

// This assumes a REPORT-style CListCtrl.
// Resize the control. This works correctly only if scrolling is disabled. If
// there is scrolling, then setting to the size from ApproximateViewRect() will
// always give scroll bars showing. Which is irritating.
// We need to adjust the vertical size from what ApproximateViewRect() returns
// by one row minus border width
CSize sz = m_list.ApproximateViewRect();    // always adds room for a new row

CRect itRect;   // Get the height of a single row (there had better *be* a row!)
m_list.GetItemRect(0, &itRect, LVIR_BOUNDS);

int vOffset = itRect.Height() - 3;  // leave a little 'cuz it looks better
m_list.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, sz.cx, sz.cy - vOffset,