



I am searching for a simplistic jQuery Lightbox plugin with minimal features.

  • Must support Ajax / Inline / Images
  • Must have a close button.
  • Must be easily customizable (CSS wise). I tried a bunch of plugins and they have so much unnecessary styling.
  • Must have a close button in the top right corner.
  • Must be a jQuery plug-in.

I could write it myself, but it is a bit of time-crunch right now. Any suggestions?

+2  A: 

Maybe fancybox will work for you. It does support Ajax, inline, iframe and images, have a close button in the upper right corner and is a jQuery plug-in. Looks good too, but I haven't customized it.

Thorbjørn Hermansen
Fancy box was good with the positioning etc, but the styles and the markup were rather convoluted. There is around 8 divs just for the shadows, and a weird structure for the lightbox background. Thank you though!
Dmitri Farkov
+2  A:

ThickBox offers versatility (images, iframed content, inline content, and AJAX content).

Going to try out right now.
Dmitri Farkov
ThickBox seems to be just versatile enough. I keep thinking I'll hit a situation where it won't suffice, but so far I haven't.
Changed selected answer. Nyromodal had too many little bugs - still being kinked out by the developer. Thickbox server my needs with minimal customization.
Dmitri Farkov
+3  A:

Seems perfect for my needs will try and come back.
Dmitri Farkov
Using this, requires a bit of work to get the shader working full-screen in IE6, but had that problem before will e-mail dev with a solution. Thanks everyone!
Dmitri Farkov
I've never seen this lightbox before... it looks very nice :)
+1  A: 

Have you checked out facebox?

Hey, thank you! Unfortunately not what I was looking for, need least rearranging (eg. close button),plus need the total shader background.
Dmitri Farkov
Actually, if you look in the facebox.js, you'll see you can assign the facebox any HTMl you want with the `faceboxHtml` option as well as the background overlay/shader `overlay: true`