



If you are in a method and you pass in an anonymous delegate, does the 'return' key word return a value for the anonymous delegate, or does it return the function? I know in ruby, they use 'next' to achieve this type of functionality inside of a block.

Here's an example:

public bool X()
   AList.Where(x => 
       if (x.val == 1) return true;

       return someBool;
   return anotherBool
+8  A: 

does the 'return' key word return a value for the anonymous delegate, or does it return the function?

It returns from the anonymous delegate.

.Where() doesn't return a bool, you might try .Any()

public bool X()
  bool result = AList.Any(x => x.val == 1);
  return result;

Or you could use a captured variable:

bool y = false;
Func<int, bool> checker = x =>
  if (x == 1)
     return true;
  y = true;
  return false;

David B