



I want my application (written in c#) which needs to run on Windows 7 and show an icon in the notifiaction area. The default is "only show notifivcation" I my icon to be shown by default. looking for the api in c# or to wite a script for this. If there's no direct way to do this is there any overriding way? Any idea will help- urgent issue.... Thanks in advance.

+5  A: 

I believe it is by design the Windows 7 doesnt let you do this programmatically.

Could you not do something on the main TaskBar using the Windows API Code Pack?

+1 for both mentioning that you can't do that and that the Windows API Code Pack would be the way to go for anything you _can_ do.
+1 too. If you want to shove your application in the users face, the defined way to do this is to put your app in the taskbar.
Larry Osterman
OK thank you all!!!

Wow guys. Well, wow Larry. There are actually good reasons to have programmatic control over notification icons. Particularly over default behavior. With the current system, Admins cannot choose to have anti-virus or other necessary icons display to the user. And not all (or even most) users know they are there. If you stopped being hostile and thought for a second, you might realize that.
