



I'm currently styling a Silverlight combobox. The designer wants the combobox to turn black on "pressed", a state that is not supported by the combobox itself, but is available on the togglebutton ("DropDownToggle") within the combobox.

So I edit the template for the togglebutton, and make it black on "pressed". No problem. The problem is that I want to make the little arrow to the right and the text to turn white. These, however, are not a part of the togglebutton, instead they are a part of the combobox itself.

"Storyboard.TargetName=" only seem to work with elements in the same object, not sub- or parent elements.

Is it possible to access elements outside the togglebutton, the parent in this case, when making animations/states? And vice versa - is it possible to change the look of elements inside the togglebutton when switching states of the combobox? (I can alter the togglebutton, but not anything inside of it).