



So basically, the MainWindow opens a second Window, let's say OptionsWindow. So in the OptionsWindow I want to show a visual of the MainWindow. I tried this, but didn't work:

<Rectangle Grid.Row="1" Margin="3" Height="100">
  <VisualBrush Visual="{Binding Application.Current.MainWindow}" />

Any help greatly appreciated.


I found the obvious answer:

windowPreview.Visual = Application.Current.MainWindow;

The only weird thing is that it calls the Loaded event of the MainWindow again and I have some code there that should only run when the MainWindow first loads. I though it would just show the current instance of the MainWindow. Any workaround on this?


If you put the load code in the constructor for the MainWindow that should only get called once per instance.

I'm not sure if it is a bug that WPF calls the Load event more than once for any given window, but it sounds like it might be by design for cases where a user closes and reloads the window...

Ben Childs
The weird thing is that the control inside the visual has no functionality at all. I guess it's calling the Loaded event because it actually re-drew it, but if that's the case, then it doesn't seem very convenient.