I'm a salaried computer programmer, and I make a pretty good living at it. I've been thinking of supplementing my income by handling a few part-time, paid consulting opportunities. I'm worried, though, that tinkering on the side might burn me out, that it might affect my work, or that it might get me in trouble at work if they find out about it.
I'm also wondering what to charge. Is there a rule of thumb I can use to turn salary $X into an hourly consulting rate? Let's say I make $50k as a programmer. I figure that translates into $25/hr, not including benefits. Should I ask for maybe 50% more than that for hourly consulting part-time? 100% more? If I made $100k/year, should I ask for $100/hr?
Any advice from folks who have tried this sort of thing already? Am I just asking for trouble, or is this a great, go-getter sort of idea?