



Hi All,

I'm trying to understand the unusual behaviour seen when ordering results in a descending order using the row_number() function when using a DISITINCT on the outermost select in my query as below:

 SELECT   DISTINCT (ID), State_Id, Name_Of_Trip, Date_Of_Travel, Creation_Date, Locking_Id, Applicant_Name, Reference_Number, State_Name
    FROM (

    SELECT  app.ID, app.State_Id, app.Name_Of_Trip, app.Date_Of_Travel, app.Creation_Date, app.Locking_Id, app.Applicant_Name, app.Reference_Number, 
    State.Name AS State_Name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Reference_Number DESC) as rowNum  
    FROM Application_Leg AS app 
    INNER JOIN State AS state 
    ON app.State_Id = state.ID
    WHERE  (app.State_Id = 5 OR app.State_Id = 6 OR app.State_Id = 8)  AND app.Organisation_Id=12 
    AND Leg_Number IN
     (SELECT  DISTINCT Leg_Number 
     from Application_Leg as al
     Organisation as org
     ON al.Organisation_Id = org.ID
     WHERE al.ID=app.ID AND org.Approval_Required=1 AND Mode_Of_Transport=1))
     as pagedApplications
    WHERE rowNum BETWEEN 0 AND (0 + 10)

When the outermost DISTINCT is taken out then the descending order is fine but when it is included the results are not shown in descending order.


Have you tried adding an order by to your outer select?

+8  A: 

ORDER BY in ROW_NUMBER clause does not guarantee the order of the resultset.

ROW_NUMBER usually uses sorting in the query plan which results in the fact that the values come out presorted.

This is a side effect and should not be relied upon.

DISTINCT uses Hash Match (Aggregate) which breaks sorting.

Add ORDER BY clause to the end of the query:

SELECT  DISTINCT (ID), State_Id, Name_Of_Trip, Date_Of_Travel, Creation_Date, Locking_Id, Applicant_Name, Reference_Number, State_Name
FROM    (
        SELECT  app.ID, app.State_Id, app.Name_Of_Trip, app.Date_Of_Travel,
                app.Creation_Date, app.Locking_Id, app.Applicant_Name, app.Reference_Number, 
                State.Name AS State_Name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Reference_Number DESC) as rowNum  
        FROM    Application_Leg AS app 
        INNER JOIN
                State AS state 
        ON      app.State_Id = state.ID
        WHERE   app.State_Id IN (5, 6, 8)
                AND app.Organisation_Id = 12 
                AND Leg_Number IN
                SELECT  Leg_Number 
                FROM    Application_Leg as al
                INNER JOIN
                        Organisation as org
                ON      al.Organisation_Id = org.ID
                WHERE   al.ID = app.ID
                        AND org.Approval_Required = 1
                        AND Mode_Of_Transport = 1
        ) AS pagedApplications
WHERE   rowNum BETWEEN 0 AND (0 + 10)
        ReferenceNumber DESC

Also note that it will not return 10 distinct results, it will return DISTINCT of the first 10 results.

If you want the former, use this:

SELECT  DISTINCT TOP 10 ID, State_Id, Name_Of_Trip, Date_Of_Travel, Creation_Date, Locking_Id, Applicant_Name, Reference_Number, State_Name
FROM    (
        SELECT  app.ID, app.State_Id, app.Name_Of_Trip, app.Date_Of_Travel,
                app.Creation_Date, app.Locking_Id, app.Applicant_Name, app.Reference_Number, 
                State.Name AS State_Name
        FROM    Application_Leg AS app 
        INNER JOIN
                State AS state 
        ON      app.State_Id = state.ID
        WHERE   app.State_Id IN (5, 6, 8)
                AND app.Organisation_Id = 12 
                AND EXISTS
                SELECT  Leg_Number 
                FROM    Application_Leg AS al
                INNER JOIN
                        Organisation as org
                ON      al.Organisation_Id = org.ID
                WHERE   al.ID = app.ID
                        AND al.LegNumber = app.LegNumber
                        AND org.Approval_Required = 1
                        AND Mode_Of_Transport = 1
        ) AS pagedApplications
        ReferenceNumber DESC
That's quite interesting.