If you treat the stream like another sequence of bytes, you can just search it like you were doing a string search. Wikipedia has a great article on that. Boyer-Moore is a good and simple algorithm for this.
Here's a quick hack I put together in Java. It works and it's pretty close if not Boyer-Moore. Hope it helps ;)
public static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 32;
public static int [] buildShiftArray(byte [] byteSequence){
int [] shifts = new int[byteSequence.length];
int [] ret;
int shiftCount = 0;
byte end = byteSequence[byteSequence.length-1];
int index = byteSequence.length-1;
int shift = 1;
while(--index >= 0){
if(byteSequence[index] == end){
shifts[shiftCount++] = shift;
shift = 1;
} else {
ret = new int[shiftCount];
for(int i = 0;i < shiftCount;i++){
ret[i] = shifts[i];
return ret;
public static byte [] flushBuffer(byte [] buffer, int keepSize){
byte [] newBuffer = new byte[buffer.length];
for(int i = 0;i < keepSize;i++){
newBuffer[i] = buffer[buffer.length - keepSize + i];
return newBuffer;
public static int findBytes(byte [] haystack, int haystackSize, byte [] needle, int [] shiftArray){
int index = needle.length;
int searchIndex, needleIndex, currentShiftIndex = 0, shift;
boolean shiftFlag = false;
index = needle.length;
needleIndex = needle.length-1;
if(index >= haystackSize)
return -1;
if(haystack[index] == needle[needleIndex])
searchIndex = index;
needleIndex = needle.length-1;
while(needleIndex >= 0 && haystack[searchIndex] == needle[needleIndex]){
if(needleIndex < 0)
return index-needle.length+1;
shiftFlag = false;
index += shiftArray[0];
currentShiftIndex = 1;
} else if(currentShiftIndex >= shiftArray.length){
shiftFlag = true;
} else{
index += shiftArray[currentShiftIndex++];
public static int findBytes(InputStream stream, byte [] needle){
byte [] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
int [] shiftArray = buildShiftArray(needle);
int bufferSize, initBufferSize;
int offset = 0, init = needle.length;
int val;
bufferSize = stream.read(buffer, needle.length-init, buffer.length-needle.length+init);
if(bufferSize == -1)
return -1;
if((val = findBytes(buffer, bufferSize+needle.length-init, needle, shiftArray)) != -1)
return val+offset;
buffer = flushBuffer(buffer, needle.length);
offset += bufferSize-init;
init = 0;
} catch (IOException e){
return -1;