Extending the PDO class is probably the best option. For what its worth this is how I would do it:
class MyPDO extends PDO
protected $_table_prefix;
protected $_table_suffix;
public function __construct($dsn, $user = null, $password = null, $driver_options = array(), $prefix = null, $suffix = null)
$this->_table_prefix = $prefix;
$this_table_suffix = $suffix;
parent::__construct($dsn, $user, $password, $driver_options);
public function exec($statement)
$statement = $this->_tablePrefixSuffix($statement);
return parent::exec($statement);
public function prepare($statement, $driver_options = array())
$statement = $this->_tablePrefixSuffix($statement);
return parent::prepare($statement, $driver_options);
public function query($statement)
$statement = $this->_tablePrefixSuffix($statement);
$args = func_get_args();
if (count($args) > 1) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'parent::query'), $args);
} else {
return parent::query($statement);
protected function _tablePrefixSuffix($statement)
return sprintf($statement, $this->_table_prefix, $this_table_suffix);